If you are happy with your POS software you don’t need to switch to use the Hekimax POS software. The core value of the Hekimax system is in the capabilities it offers in driving repeat sales from your existing customers – using actionable insights from customers’ transactions and engagements with your company. The Hekimax system provides bulk data import capabilities for bringing in data from your existing POS software. The imported data is then used by the system to derive the insights you need to drive customers back to your stores.
For completeness, the Hekimax solution provides free, optional cloud-enabled sales operations support tools (POS, Customer Loyalty, Promo, and Product Management) to those businesses that do not already have such tools, or are simply not happy with their current tools. These tools are tightly integrated into the Hekimax system platform and provides capabilities for capturing the data required for deriving the actionable insights. It also provides the enabling platform for rewarding and enticing customers to keep coming back to the stores.
You may download the Products, Customers, and Order import file templates for use in collecting the data from your preferred POS software for bulk import into the Hekimax system.